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Citizenship and Residency Related Investments

Clients who are interested in Citizenship and Residency related investment opportunities can choose from different options in European countries, Turkey and the Carribean Islands.

With a variety of Golden Visa programmes that have been initiated in numerous EU countries coming to an end we consult our clients in finding alternative trusted and proven ways to gain residency and in turn citizenhip. 

Giving two examples of alternative ways consist of a company set up in Estonia opening the opportunity to get residency in a eruopean country, or by government donation to carribiean islans that are in the English common wealth group like Saint Kitts & Nevis or Grenada, which give the opportunity to travel visa free to Europe, the US, the Uk, China and Russia. 

The citizenship by investment programme in Turkey still continues at 400.000 USD in real estate investment, which gives the right for a passport for investor and family members.


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For further information about Citizenship and Residency Related Investments, please feel free to contact us.