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Germany has an increasingly growing population of people with culturally diverse backgrounds. This trend is expected to continue and has created a highly cultural diverse society thus far. The medical sector is facing difficulties in coping with these developments, due to the fact that care facilities have not been able to create cultural diverse teams, which are not able to treat foreigners on a sufficient degree.

Our research has concluded that the sector of elderly care, specifically with regards to patients with dementia, has had difficulties to develop appropriate materials for the daily care and treatment of people from different cultural backgrounds. Hence, we have started to develop games, which are specifically designed to support the treatment of foreigners in Germany affected by dementia.

The brand we created in this context is KUNTERBUNTURELL, which simply means colorful cultures. We specifically focus on games, which aim to give foreign people in Germany a reminder of their own culture and activate memories from their childhood, in order to train their memory and the ability to recap memories from the past.

The Robert Bosch Foundation, one of the most prestigious foundations in Germany, has recognized  our “Memory” game as a useful tool for the treatment of foreign patients with dementia and added it to their countrywide list of recommended materials in this context.

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